Photo by Faye Cornish

Hardin Fitness can help anyone who needs guidance with their fitness routine, from the novice to the professional.

From designing a program, to guiding you through it. You can trust Hardin Fitness to offer safe and effective fitness expertise that will keep you fit, strong, and moving correctly.


Modern Day Health Challenges


Modern Technology, a blessing and a curse!

Modern Technology, a blessing and a curse!

We find that modern technology is able to provide short cuts and easy fixes in our daily lives more than ever before. But from mid 1980's to present, the wealth and technology in the US has taken it's toll on health. People are less active and no longer spending as much of their free time engaged in physical activity. This new environment is producing inactive, less healthy, and non-functional people who are prone to injury.


80% adults suffer from low back pain

80,000-100,000 ACL injuries occur in people ages 15-25

21% of general population experience shoulder pain

33% Obesity Rate for adults

18% obesity rate for adolescents  


Today's client is not ready to begin physical activity at the same level that a typical client could 20 years ago. Therefore today's training programs cannot stay the same as the programs of the past.


Due to these modern day challenges, an integrated approach should be used to create safe programs that consider the functional capacity for each individual person.They must address factors such as: appropriate forms of flexibility, increasing strength and neuromuscular control, training in different types of environments (stable - unstable), and training in different planes of motion. - NASM Essentials of Corrective Exercise Training, 2014.

Who Can Hardin Fitness Help?


Hardin Fitness can help you if..



 You have ever wanted an exercise program designed to help you reach your fitness potential


You have ever needed performance enhancement in your sport or recreation to function better and help decrease wear and tear on your body


You don't want to pay to go to a crowded facility but want to learn to stay flexible, strong, and fit in the privacy of your home


You have ever wanted a Certified Fitness Specialist with years of experience coaching people from all backgrounds personally guiding you through your fitness journe


You are coming off an injury or physical therapy and need to find your fitness path back to full functional integration



At Hardin Fitness, we take a systematic approach at addressing your goals, and provide a fitness program that will guide you through all of the unknowns, for the safest and most productive experience possible.

Hardin Fitness Can Help You If,

You are ready to take action!


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