Corrective Exercise is:

The systematic process of identifying a neuromusculoskeletal dysfunction, developing a plan of action, and implementing an integrated corrective strategy.

Hardin Fitness Strategies for Corrective Exercise will

  • Assess for human movement dysfunction

    • to find out where the dysfunction is that is keeping you from optimal performance in everyday life

  • Inhibit (or "turn off") and lengthen the muscles that are too tight

  • Use activation techniques

    • to strengthen the muscles that were formally too tight and weak

  • Use integration techniques

    • to reintroduce these muscles to the entire functioning system

If we think of our Human Movement System as a sports team, we would address which players on your team are not performing their task correctly, individually isolate them, and get them functioning correctly to know and perform the playbook.  (These are the only players you get with your Human Movement System. You can't simply hire another player who functions well and let the other one go.) We then integrate these individual players back into the team as a whole, to function correctly.

With Hardin Fitness, we will discover where your body's movement patterns are being hindered, and optimize your mind-body connection, to have you functioning at your best.

Human Movement Science is:

The study of functional anatomy, functional biomechanics, motion learning and motor control.

Hardin Fitness Strategies for better Human Movement will

  • Enhance your body's ability to function in three planes of motion more efficiently

  • Enhance your body's ability to deal with consistent ground force and gravity better

  • Enhance your body's ability to absorb energy and release it in the safest possible way

Human movement should be all of these things, with minimal wear and tear on the neuromuscular and skeletal systems.

The way you move through time brings either benefit or harm to your neural, muscular and skeletal systems. Optimally, we want these three systems working efficiently and in concert for your unique body and set of circumstances.

Returning to the sports team analogy: Your brain would be the head coach, calling a play to the rest of the team. Your team consists of three separate systems: the neural system, the skeletal system and the muscular system. These three systems must work together at just the right place and at just the right time in order to effectively perform the play the coach has called. An example of this in our lives would be ascending or descending a flight of stairs. Your skeletal system supports the whole structure. Your muscular system moves the structure, while your neural system directs information to the structure.

Proper Human Movement will consist of training the brain to call the right plays. It will make sure all the players know their assignments and are on the same page. The brain then connects all the systems together to smoothly perform the play and achieve success! 

Hardin Fitness has created a very simple, easy to understand approach that will guide you through the process of getting your body into peak condition! 

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