Importance of Core Musculature


The Core is:

The center of the body and the beginning point for movement. The "core" is referring to the lumbo-pelvic-hip complex that operates as an integrated functional unit providing intersegmental stability, deceleration, and force production during activities.

Proper abdomen and hip function is responsible for:

1. Absorbing, releasing and negotiating the energy from outside the body in the safest way possible. Whether that be taking a step, throwing a ball, or dancing to your favorite music, a proper functioning core is the first step to achieving these with the upmost efficiency.

2. Protecting the back from injury.

By properly activating the abdominal wall and hips ( which takes energy and proper recruitment patterns) you absorb the energy that the back wants to take for free. Eighty percent of Americans suffer from some form of low back pain. Recent research has shown that we have become, through a sedentary lifestyle, deconditioned throughout the lumbopelvic hip complex. And our core foundation is no longer as solid as it should be. We need to recondition our core musculature to create a very solid foundation that we can then build on top of.

Hardin Fitness Strategies for Core Strengthening will

  • Properly activate the abdomen and the hips and help to restore proper function, working from the core outward through the rest of the body

  • Take even the most de-conditioned core and systematically reprogram it with a simple step by step progression that will change your life


If we look at our bodies in relation to a house, we want a very secure and solid foundation before we start building the walls and roof and decorating the interior.

Our foundation video series directly addresses this challenge from the most basic foundational movements, in order to achieve a solid and well programed core structure that will allow you to safely build your Human Movement System to its optimal function.

 It starts with a strong core, the center of absorbing and releasing energy in the safest and most effective way possible. 

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