
“What is there not to love about Hardin Fitness?! I’ve been working with Lance for about 10 months with the goal to lose weight and build strength. Not only have I lost 30lbs, but he has also helped me build much needed core strength. After having 4 children back-to-back, my core was left sad and neglected. Lance gave me easy to do exercises that fit into my life rather than exercises that I must work my life around. I now rarely experience many of the common core related issues that affect postpartum women. There is no quick fix to exercise and nutrition. Lance knows this and implements personalized plans to help you meet your goals in a sustainable and motivating way. If you’re looking for a well-educated, friendly, motivating, and driven trainer to help you reach your nutrition/fitness goals, I highly recommend Hardin Fitness.”

-Ellen Dillavou, 2023

“I have been active my entire life and have always made fitness a priority. Several years ago, I stopped working out, for no good reason, other than I was tired, a little overwhelmed and using my time for other hobbies and interests. My fitness level dropped dramatically and as much as I tried to fire up and get back on a regular routine, I simply couldn’t stay consistent. I sustained a debilitating injury that I used to keep me from working out. I knew that I was not fit and had an antagonistic conversation running through my mind. (“You know you’re not in good shape, you better do something about it, you aren’t getting any younger and you look overweight.” “Yep, I am overweight and not getting younger, but so is everyone else; besides I injured my shoulder -I actually fell off the rowing machine if you can believe that-“and it’s not healed and I can’t work out until it’s healed.”) This went on for a couple of years. Finally, in a moment of clarity I summoned the will power to go to the gym. It was painfully refreshing if that makes sense. However, I didn’t have clear direction or defined goals, and on some days, blew off my work out because I either didn’t feel like going or found something else to do. One step forward two steps back, but hey, at least I was going. Progress was s-l-o-w.

Out of the clear blue I got a message from a friend of mine whom I hadn’t spoken to in years, Lance Hardin. After catching up, Lance explained what he was doing in Colorado Springs of all places (sign me up to live there please.) His “Hardin Fitness” program sounded interesting to me but I had reservations. There are already a ton of apps and videos and coaching on the internet. I already had a couple of fitness apps which were dormant. I had access to videos on working out, ehh, not so much, and I was already moving forward at my own turtle pace. Lance encouraged me to try his program for a couple of weeks and if I wasn’t feeling or getting any benefit then no harm no foul. The first thing that impressed me was the onboarding process. I was surprised by the initial consultation. Lance asked very direct and personal questions about how much time I had to commit, what goals did I want to achieve, my level of fitness, any injuries, my diet, what I enjoyed doing, etc. Second big surprise. He designed a personal program for me based on my fitness goals, my weight goals, the time I could commit and the access to a gym or not. He explained that he would be tracking everything for me. Huh? “You’re going to track my progress for me?” Really? AND he would be providing me regular feedback, more of a running dialog, of how I was doing, how I was feeling, collaborative goal setting and lots of encouragement. Not only that, if necessary, he would order all my food – meals and fitness equipment. Fast forward two months. My starting weight was 216, I am now down to 208. My routines were all over the place, now they are focused and spaced in a way that I can accomplish them, usually in under 30 minutes at home. My diet has changed to a more balanced diet with specific goals around the amount of carbs, fats and protein for the day. He showed me how to input my food consumption data which is super easy and takes maybe 5 minutes to input the data. Much easier than I expected. I am feeling stronger and am seeing results in the way I look AND most importantly, I am motivated to keep going. I grew up playing sports and have had lots of coaches along the way but by far, Lance has proven to be the best coach I’ve had. I know that he has my back, he holds me accountable and encourages me and I know that he has a genuine interest in my fitness. Priceless!

Thank you, Lance for reaching out to me and encouraging me. Your program is life changing, transformative, and priceless.”

- Kim Mozejko, 2022

“A few months ago I connected with Lance and feel so blessed that he started coaching me again! Lance coached me many moons ago and I wish I would’ve never stopped because every time I’ve worked with Lance Ive felt I was in the best shape of my life :-) Even though I strive to eat a clean diet and workout often …Lance was able to give me the tools and knowledge I need to be more successful and make lifetime choices to stick by! After just a few months of his coaching, I feel wonderful and I’m toning up so nicely! I can even wear my tight jeans again! I highly recommend Lance because he is a salt of the earth, amazing coach and a true blessing to work with :-)”

- Andrea Marie, 2022

“ Lance is a great trainer and person. He had a major positive impact on my life and body. He gets personal and really cares about your health and body. He improves whatever he can, whether it’s your eating habits, flexibility, or absolute strength, always aware of your injuries. He relies on you to perform and do what you’re suppose to do. He’s awesome. Thanks a lot.”

- Gino Troy, 2022

" I trained with Lance...and the experience was outstanding...In addition to his expertise, Lance is a great listener. He worked with me carefully and thoughtfully to give me workouts that directly met my goals. Lance also gave me his full attention at each session, which is not a trait I've observed with other trainers.

During the time we’ve trained, I have learned so much from Lance about fitness. I’ve also learned more about myself- that I have it in me to achieve some goals that I thought were out of reach."

- Karen Roller, 2005

" I am 62 years old and have used physical trainers for the last 25 years...Shortly after I met Lance I discovered that my posture was awful. NONE of my other trainers had recognized or attempted to correct my posture...In my experience, Lance Hardin is light years ahead of any trainer I have used in the past. His training is literally on the cutting edge."

- Stanley W. Crawford, 2006

“I had been working out on my own at Gold’s for about a year and just hadn’t been able to get the results I wanted. I started working out with Lance Hardin in April, 2004 and right from the beginning I felt like we were on the right track.

I really appreciated how encouraging and supportive Lance was throughout the process, I felt this really gave me that extra boost to keep working at it. And even though a lot of the work was really hard, his upbeat attitude kept things fun and made me feel that even though something was challenging, that I could do it. From following Lance’s suggestions about cardio and nutrition and doing the workout plan he set out for me I was able to reach my target weight and fat loss goal by the end of the year, and I feel like I’ve learned to incorporate better health habits from here on out. My experience working with Lance has been so positive, and I highly recommend him to anyone looking for a trainer!”

- Heather Smith, 2004

“I came by Lance quite by accident. I attended his abs class with a friend and I could hardly do a thing. Lance was very kind he suggested that I schedule an assessment. After the assessment I reluctantly decided to do just a few training sessions. Lance was great and helped me work with a recovering broken ankle, which limited what I could do. I would go to the gym 3-4 days a week and do exactly what he said. I saw immediate results. I’ve had more sessions here and there. Very slowly and steadily about 12 pounds have come off and I have seen my body change right in front of my eyes. I have discovered that I enjoy working out and feel much better. What I great gift the year I turn 50! Thanks Lance!”

- Karn Hill

“ Lance Hardin is such a motivating, energetic trainer! I have been working out with him for about a year and see such amazing results in strength and cardiovascular fitness…Another aspect of training with Lance that I like is his ability to discuss attaining a balanced lifestyle. He has changed my outlook on obtaining my goals and continues to focus on the positive. Additionally, he is always willing to help with food choices, dining options, and other nutrition issues.

I enthusiastically recommend Lance to anyone that is considering taking their fitness to a new level.”

- Shay McBurney

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